discourse and the exchange of knowledge, thoughts, and ideas are the keys to the betterment of humankind. procrastination in relation to work appears to accelerate this process. welcome to the academy.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

my electronic drug

As I spend more and more time within the digital construct that is the Internet, I find myself
seeking various means of expressing the random thoughts inside my head and in addition, new ways to put off work.

It's hard to keep track of how many online communities, messageboards, and blog-type sites I have subscribed to. Some fear of embracing the Internet to such degree, fear of having their innermost thoughts and the intimate details of their lives floating around in cyberspace for all to read. Meanwhile, I think of all the shit that I've left up online: detailed itineraries of my days, crushes, achievements, shameless music promotion, poetry, self-improvement plans and resolutions...am I seeking out attention? or is this some way for me to preserve and chronicle those moments in my life? i am clearly addicted to the electronic drugs of the Internet.

In anycase, as I always say (this is beginning to become some kind of weird ritual), I will try my best to be exclusive to this particular blog in regards to recording my everyday thoughts during my final year at Western. I've been kinda laxing on my MSN Spaces account (i must say, it was very convenient to have that kind of access to a blog via messenger system...once again, Microsoft trying to maintain the upperhand on its competitors).

Well that's it for now, gonna hit the hay. Another day tomorrow...another fucking day of 3D modeling...sigh.


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